News for Government
Strengthening our legislative efforts
AGC of Washington has partnered with AGC of America to gauge the reach of our collective networks and enable us to effectively plan for future public-policy discussions.
Posted on: 04/04/2016
Cargo Preference Act applies to FHWA-funded projects
FHWA has interpreted recent changes in the federal Cargo Preference Act as applying to federal-aid highway contracts. The Act, which has been around since 1954, requires that “at least 50 percent of any equipment, materials or commodities” procured with federal funds, and which may be shipped by ocean vessel, must be transported on privately-owned United States-flagged commercial vessels.
Posted on: 02/16/2016
Senate removes Peterson; Gov. appoints Roger Millar as Acting WSDOT Secretary
The State Senate spent Friday, Feb. 8 debating the leadership of Lynn Peterson, the secretary of the Washington State Department of Transportation.
Posted on: 02/16/2016
Court issues nationwide stay of EPA/Corps' “Waters of the US” regulation
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit has issued a nationwide stay of the new federal regulation redefining "Waters of the U.S." (WOTUS) for the purposes of the Clean Water Act.
Posted on: 11/03/2015
All endorsed candidates advance after primary
All of the state and local candidates endorsed by AGC’s BUILD PAC survived the August 4 primary and will appear on the November ballot.
Posted on: 08/07/2015
US Senate passes long-term highway bill; focus now on the House
The US Senate passed a six-year transportation reauthorization bill – the first time in years that an actual long-term bill was passed rather than a “kick the can down the road” short-term fix. Now it’s up to the House.
Posted on: 08/07/2015
Inslee creates subcabinet to boost business diversity
Gov. Jay Inslee convened a new subcabinet focused on increasing access for small and minority- women- and veteran-owned businesses to contracting opportunities with Washington State government.
The Governor said diverse businesses make up only about 1 percent of the $6.1 billion that the state s...
Posted on: 08/07/2015
Contractors visit State Capitol for AGC Lobby Day
AGC thanks the members who travelled to Olympia to support construction-industry issues in the Legislature on March 17. During AGC’s annual Lobby Day members visited legislators to talk to them face-to-face about transportation spending bid listing legislation and workers’ comp reform.
“Lobby Da...
Posted on: 03/30/2015
Paul Mayo, Bob Adams testify in support of transportation funding plan
AGC members Paul Mayo of Flatiron Constructors and Bob Adams of Guy F. Atkinson Construction joined AGC lobbyist Duke Schaub in testifying before the House Transportation Committee last week in support of a comprehensive transportation funding package.
(Photo L-R: Bob Adams Paul Mayo and Duke S...
Posted on: 03/30/2015
AGC's Government Affairs Committee prepares for new legislative session
AGC’s Government Affairs Committee (GAC) recently met to set the stage for AGC’s involvement in the 2015 State legislative session which begins Jan. 12. Among the issues discussed and policy positions taken by the GAC are:• Prevailing wage Support legislation to eliminate requirements that app...
Posted on: 01/06/2015
AGC of America re-launches voter-information resource
The construction industry and the millions of workers it employs have much at stake in upcoming elections across the country. At a time when the industry is rebounding from the longest and deepest slump of any sector it is especially important to elect leaders willing to work for common-sense sol...
Posted on: 09/15/2014
Port of Seattle bid desk moving
Effective October 1 2014 the Port of Seattle bid desk will move from its Alaskan Way waterfront location in Seattle to the CPO Construction Services office at 2529 S.194th Street Seattle WA 98188 (south of the airport).
The Port has decided to relocate the bid desk to improve the efficiency of m...
Posted on: 09/15/2014
Members sought for State building-code council
The State Building Code Council is seeking members for all of the technical advisory groups (TAGs) in preparation for the 2015 code-adoption cycle. TAGs conduct research into code-related matters review proposed amendments to codes and identify and define issues related to the codes as requested ...
Posted on: 07/09/2014
Get Info on Shutdown's Impacts
To provide details on how contractors could be impacted by -- and what they can do during -- the government shutdown AGC of America created this Government Shutdown Resource Center.
Posted on: 10/08/2013
Seattle Seeks Candidates for Construction-Codes Advisory Board
From City of Seattle press release:
Mayor Mike McGinn invites applicants to fill three openings on the Construction-Codes Advisory Board. These new members will fill positions representing three different professions:
Organized labor
General contractors and
Apartment-building owners or oper...
Posted on: 09/25/2013
New Affirmative-Action Rules Finalized
On August 27 the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) announced two final rules that will expand the affirmative-action obligations of direct federal contractors and their subcontractors with regard to veterans and individuals with disabilities. The rules upda...
Posted on: 09/10/2013
Help Us Help You: Be Involved in AGC Government Affairs
AGCs clout in Olympia is due not only to our excellent Government Affairs team but also to the active involvement of AGC members. Active engaged members are by far the most effective weapon used by our lobbying team! You can bolster AGCs clout -- and the business environment in which your compa...
Posted on: 01/04/2013
AGC Names Rep. Judy Clibborn Legislator of the Year
AGC of Washington has named State Representative Judy Clibborn (D-41 Mercer Island) as Legislator of the Year for 2010. Rep. Clibborn serving her 4th term in the House of Representatives chairs the House Transportation Committee. Her experience includes service as Executive Director of the Mercer...
Posted on: 08/10/2010
Record Attendance at AGC Lobby Day
James Hawley (Matia Contractors Inc.) Frank Imhof (IMCO Construction) Rep. Doug Ericksen Sharon and Steve Isenhart (Tiger Construction).Sen. Curtis King of AGC member firm King Brothers Woodworking briefs Lobby Day participants.Kurt Trester (Absher Construction) Brad Kilcup and Garrick Hughes (GL...