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Strengthening our legislative efforts

AGC of Washington has partnered with AGC of America to gauge the reach of our collective networks and enable us to effectively plan for future public-policy discussions. By understanding our members’ network of relationships with elected officials, we can build advocacy programs that help advance our positions on any number of issues that directly impact the construction industry such as transportation funding and workforce development.

As employees, voters, volunteers and contributors to the communities where we live and work, your voices and opinions are extremely influential. Through a brief survey, you can provide information on the issues that are important to you, the stakeholders within your network, and the level of advocacy you would be willing to undertake on the association's behalf.

There is no right or wrong answer to any of the survey questions; we simply ask for your honest feedback. Some questions will ask if you personally know certain elected officials representing you at the state or federal level. Please do not feel like you are expected to, as most people will not.

Visit today. Your participation will make a tremendous difference!