Contact Congress to repeal burdensome prior approval requirement
AGC of America urges members to contact their Congressional representatives and ask them to support bill HR 2101 to repeal the discriminatory Prior Approval requirement that creates unnecessary confusion for AGC member companies.
Posted on 05/08/2017
Counties race to the courthouse to subvert contractor-backed venue law
Any contractor that bids on public-works projects knows all too well that the terms of the awarded contract are nonnegotiable and that the contractor’s bargaining power is virtually nonexistent. In short, public-works contracts are offered on a take-it-or-leave-it basis.
Posted on 04/25/2017
President Trump’s infrastructure plan requires a viable statutory framework
Although we live in a politically-divided nation, there is one issue on which there seems widespread agreement: our country requires a massive upgrade to its infrastructure.
Posted on 04/24/2017
House Democrats propose 20% B&O tax increase, new capital-gains tax
With the state House proposed operating budget approved by that body, eyes are now fixed on legislation needed to fund it. HB 2186 received a “do pass” recommendation from the House Finance Committee April 4 after a public hearing the day prior.
Posted on 04/10/2017
Build schools? Get ready to build more.
The State House and Senate recently released state capital budget proposals, and both invest a record amount -- $1.1 billion – toward school construction.
Posted on 04/10/2017
State Senate, House release competing budget proposals
The Washington Senate's Republican-led Majority Coalition Caucus (MCC) unveiled its "Protecting Washington's Future" budget – a $43 billion spending plan – last week and quickly passed it by a 25-24 vote.
Posted on 03/28/2017
Blacklisting regulation repeal signed into law
AGC of America and its members achieved a major legislative victory yesterday when President Trump signed legislation to repeal of the Blacklisting regulations, which would have implemented President Obama’s “Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces” Executive Order.
Posted on 03/28/2017
Ecology offers changes to solid waste handling draft rule
AGC Environment Committee members recently traveled to Olympia to discuss the need for changes to DOE’s proposed solid waste rule with legislators and DOE rule drafters.
Posted on 03/28/2017
AGC’s career awareness proposal advances in Legislature
Nancy Munro, Executive Manager for MidMountain Contractors and Immediate Past President of AGC, testified alongside AGC Executive Vice President David D’Hondt in support of SSB 5713, AGC-backed legislation that creates a matching grant program to fund skilled worker outreach and recruitment efforts for industries, such as construction, that are facing a workforce shortage.
Posted on 03/28/2017
Appeal leads to significant improvements to stormwater permit
Last year the industry group appealed the Department of Ecology’s new construction stormwater general permit, and on March 22 DOE issued the revised permit that includes several changes sought by the industry groups.
Posted on 03/28/2017
Priority-Hire Update
Priority-hire programs are sweeping through our local agencies and, while AGC of Washington has been a stalwart supporter of diversity on the jobsite, we have taken exception to the City of Seattle's approach.
Posted on 03/07/2017
Workers’ Comp Action Alert
Please urge your State Senator to support workers’ comp reform! Senate Bill 5822.
Posted on 02/28/2017
AGC’s Career Awareness Bill
AGC’s Past President Nancy Munro and Executive Vice President David D’Hondt testified before the Senate Higher Education Committee in support of AGC priority legislation that would create a career awareness training.
Posted on 02/28/2017
Paid sick leave: What contractors need to know
Last November, when voters passed Initiative 1433, commonly known as the minimum-wage initiative, they were also approving a provision in I-1433 that requires employers to provide paid sick leave.
Posted on 02/14/2017
AGC and partners push Mike M. Johnson fix
Several AGC members traveled to Olympia to testify in support of legislation to address onerous notice requirements precipitated by the Mike M. Johnson Supreme Court decision.
Posted on 02/14/2017
L&I announces improvements to intent and affidavits reporting and tracking
The Department of Labor and Industries recently announced the launch of new features for the Prevailing Wage Intent & Affidavit (PWIA).
Posted on 02/14/2017
Congress to consider repealing blacklisting & other midnight Obama regulations this week
This week, Congress is considering the repeal of last minute Obama administration regulations, including the Blacklisting regulations. Urge your members of Congress to repeal this and other Obama regulations now.
Posted on 01/31/2017
Sen. Mark Schoesler named Legislator of the Year
AGC of Washington's 2016 Legislator of the Year, Senator Mark Schoesler, is a true leader in Olympia who solves problems and gets things done.
Posted on 01/31/2017
AGC shows support for CTE funding
AGC member Bob Adams, of Guy F. Atkinson Construction, testified recently before the Senate Early Learning K-12 Education Committee in support of funding for CTE (career and technical education) programs in middle and high schools.
Posted on 01/31/2017
AGC to Legislature: Restore infrastructure projects cut in Governor’s budget
As the State Legislature convenes with the issue of education funding as legislators’ top concern, AGC recently reminded policymakers that infrastructure investments should not be ignored.
Posted on 01/17/2017
AGC urges Trump to repeal PLA executive order
AGC of America and others sent a letter urging President-elect Trump’s administration to repeal President Obama’s executive order...
Posted on 01/17/2017
Paid sick leave: What contractors need to know
In November, when voters passed Initiative 1433, commonly known as the minimum wage initiative, they were also approving a provision in I-1433 that requires employers to provide paid sick leave.
Posted on 01/04/2017
Minimum-wage increases took effect Jan. 1
Washington minimum wage employees received a 16 percent raise on the first of the year -- with a few exceptions.
Posted on 01/04/2017
Governor’s budget increases taxes, spending by $8 billion
Gov. Jay Inslee recently unveiled his budget proposal. The headlines were that Inslee proposed raising taxes by $4.4 billion, and while that's substantial, it only reflects part of the taxes.
Posted on 01/04/2017
Conference looks at Seattle's construction history
Call for presentations due by Jan. 15, 2017