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Sign the petition to support transparency in government negotiations

AGC supports Initiative 1608 and urges you and others within your company to sign the petition to support transparency in government.  

If approved, I-1608 would open to the public the collective-bargaining negotiations between government and public-employee unions. It would require that all collective-bargaining sessions for contract negotiations between state and local public employers and employee organizations be open for public observation and recording. It would require all public employers to make all collective-bargaining proposals available to the public within two business days by posting them online or providing them on request. It would also require the public employment relations commission to publish an online library of collective bargaining agreements.

Currently, government unions can make campaign contributions to candidates that they will potentially bargain with after election. This advantage makes it especially important that the public be aware of how the government and public employee unions interact.

Signature gatherers are now working to gather the more than 260,000 signatures needed by July 6 to qualify I-1608 for the fall ballot. Please consider circulating a ballot at work and in your neighborhood. Contact AGC’s Michele Willms at 360.352.5000 to get a petition mailed to you or click here to download.

Learn more about the campaign at