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Learn how to deal with onerous “blacklisting” Executive Order

AGC of America is set to help members get a handle on, and comply with, the 850 pages of new burdensome and unnecessary regulations known as the Fair Pay and Save Workplaces executive order signed by President Obama. 

On Sept. 7, AGC of America will hold a webinar – free for AGC members – at 11 a.m. Pacific Time to help contractors prepare for compliance. Click here to register.

Also known as the “blacklisting Executive Order”, the measure was vigorously fought by AGC of America. Nevertheless, the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Council and US Department of Labor released the final rule on Aug. 25. 

Under the rule and guidance, both prime and specialty contractors must report violations of 14 federal labor laws before contract award and again every six months after contract award on federal contracts (not federally-assisted contracts) exceeding $500,000. Prime contractors would also be responsible for evaluating labor-law violations of specialty contractors at all tiers.  The rule also includes changes to employee-arbitration agreements and paycheck notices.

For more background on the executive order, including a summary, visit AGC of America’s Blacklisting Executive Order website here.