Got a Truck? Help Special Olympics with World's Largest Convoy
Special Olympics Washington asked AGC to share with its members this opportunity to get your company and employees involved in a great organization!
On September 26 2009 Special Olympics Washington will be holding its annual “World’s Largest Truck Convoy” fundraiser.
The World’s Largest Truck Convoy is a national event where law enforcement partner with the trucking industry and other supporters to raise funds and awareness of local Special Olympics programs.
In Washington State local law enforcement will escort a convoy of trucks on Interstate 5 from the Tacoma Dome to the Insurance Auto Auctions in Tukwila where a BBQ celebration entertainment and a truck show will be held for supporters of Special Olympics Washington.
There are many ways you and your company can get involved in this unique event. Become a sponsor of this event or if your company owns trucks register your trucks and have your company showcased in the convoy. However you decide to get involved you will be making a difference in the lives of 6700 Special Olympics athletes with intellectual disabilities across the state.
For more information please visit the Special Olympics Washington website at: or call (800) 752-7559 ext 218.