Planning for AGC's Future
By Lee Kilcup AGC President
At our recent AGC Board Retreat we had a very productive day facilitated by Tim Rhoades of the Lighthouse Institute. We validated our mission and related values of skill integrity responsibility and community revisited 2008 goals for progress against objectives (satisfactory) did an updated SWOT (strengths weakness opportunities and threats) analysis and developed three BHAGS (big hairy audacious goals).
Our top strengths and opportunities were financial strength and educational efforts and increased legislative influence. Most significant threats and weakness included lack of member participation the need to communicate member benefits and the political and economic environment.
In response to the SWOT analysis the following BHAGS were set;
1. Decrease the number of contractors and subs who are not members by 50% by 2020
2. Help elect a pro-business majority in the Washington State Legislature by 2020
3. Develop the AGC South Lake Union property to highest and best use with 95% occupancy with established timelines by 2010
To support BHAG accomplishments a number of smart goals were developed with supporting objectives and timelines. The officers and staff will continue to work on development of the supporting objectives and will produce a strategic plan by the end of the year. The facilitators staff and board members who participated produced a number of good ideas and should be commended for their efforts. It was time well spent and will provide a good road map for the next few years for the association.
It was also gratifying to honor Sen. Janéa Holmquist for the 13th legislative district (Kittitas) as the AGC Legislator of the year. Her efforts on behalf of business are exemplary and deserve recognition and support.