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PSI Invites AGC Members to Rally for the Cure

Ride your motorcycle relax on the beach eat great barbecue groove to live music – all while raising money for a good cause!

AGC members are invited to join Professional Service Industries Inc. as it hosts the first-annual Rally for the Cure on Saturday on August 29.

The core of this family-friendly event is a motorcycle ride to Ocean Shores where riders can listen to five live bands eat delicious Ranch House BBQ view the latest in the Harley-Davidson line watch amazing performances by the Northwest Wings motorcycle drill team and get free stuff! Through donations of $40 for two riders per bike or $25 for single riders the event will raise money for Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Don’t ride motorcycles? No problem – car riders ($20 donation for adults; $10 for kids) can simply meet up with the group at Ocean Shores.

“There is quite a bit of interest already and we are already anticipating about 500 people” says Jamie Marshall Business Development Coordinator for PSI Inc. “Already firms such as PCL Absher Westmark the Ports of Seattle Port Angeles and Olympia private developers cities and municipalities and others are coming. The networking opportunities that exist are invaluable!

“We want to extend an open invitation to all construction architectural and engineering firms developers municipalities ports public works departments and real-estate companies throughout the Pacific Northwest” says Marshall.

Rally points and times for the event are the Downtown Harley Davidson (Renton) 7 – 8 a.m.; Destination Harley Davidson (Tacoma) 8 – 9 a.m.; or Northwest Harley Davidson. (Lacey) 9 – 10 a.m. Meet at one of these spots have free coffee and donuts and ride to the Ocean Shores Convention Center.

For more information on Rally for the Cure contact Jamie Marshall at or 253-589-1804.