Bid Opportunities: Brown Bag Lunch on New Capital Projects
Want to know about upcoming opportunities? Hear about dozens of construction projects included in budgets passed by the Legislature at this free Brown Bag event June 1 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Harborside Room of McCormick and Schmicks Restaurant on the first floor of the AGC Building in Seattle. Reps from WSDOT General Administration UW WWU and Port of Seattle have been invited to share project lists. Lunch and attendance are free! To attend in person RSVP by clicking New Capital Projects Brown Bag or by emailing Nancy ONeil. In-person attendance is recommended however a call-in option is available for those who cannot make it but would like to listen in. For the call-in option email Nancy ONeil and she will provide call-in instructions. (Note that the event was previously set for the AGC Conference Center but it has been moved to the Harborside Room to accommodate more members.)