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Rep. Dave Reichert Receives National Attention from AGC PAC

The tight race between Congressman Dave Reichert (R-8) and challenger Darcy Burner has been deemed a critical one by AGC of Americas political action committee. AGC PAC is going all out to support Reichert who has an 85 percent AGC vote record in the 110th Congress; 86 percent since first being elected to Congress.

AGC PAC has contributed the maximum allowable amount to the Reichert campaign and is also supporting him with a multimedia independent expenditure campaign. (Independent expenditure campaigns advocate for a candidate without coordination with or authorization from that campaign).

One of the key elements of this effort is a website devoted to Reichert and his support of the construction industry and issues important to the 8th District. It can be found at AGC members are encouraged to visit that site and use its Spread the Word feature to email it to friends and colleagues. AGC PAC will use advertising to drive traffic to the site.

The race is considered by most observers as a toss-up with the most recent (Oct. 22) tracking poll by Research2000 showing a 46-46 percent tie (see tracking polls). However recent polls commissioned by Democrats give Burner a five to seven point lead. A recent Congressional Quarterly report shows that Burner has raised more money than any other Democratic U.S. House challenger.

Brett Ferullo of Northwest Construction Inc. is AGC PACs Regional Representative and Chair of the local BUILD PAC Senior Council as well as a Reichert constituent. Dave has always been supportive and accessible both back in DC and here at home Ferullo said. He really is interested in understanding and addressing our concerns.

Dave Reichert supports legislation to fund important transportation projects in Washington said Elisa Brewer AGC of Americas Director of Congressional Relations/PAC & Grassroots. Plus Reicherts labor policy respects both employers and employees. He believes that allowing both card-check and secret ballot elections is the fairest way to determine the desire of employees to be represented by a union and that the Employee Free Choice Act removes both fairness and privacy. He supports permanent repeal of the death tax which if left unchanged would be devastating for family owned businesses in Washington.

AGC of America has created a website which provide everything members need to know about the 2008 elections including the candidate field voter registration deadlines election guides results from previous elections and ideas on how to become politically active. Also AGC of Washington members are invited to visit the chapters Election Central site for updates on local and statewide races including endorsements and lists of candidates supported by BUILD PAC.