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Future Leadership Forum: More Events, New Structure

The Future Leadership Forum (FLF) Steering Committee created an organizational structure that will allow the new group to expand and to better meet the needs of members. More info on that below but first here is a recap of upcoming FLF events:
  • Pub Event: September 25 5:30 p.m. Paddy Coynes 1190 Thomas St. Seattle. Very informal networking opportunity. No need to RSVP...Just drop by.
  • Advocacy and Politics: October 9 5:30 p.m. AGC Building Conference Room Seattle. AGC lobbyists will discuss the mechanics of AGC government relations efforts the hottest policy issues affecting construction and how FLF can be involved in the policymaking process.
  • BIM presentation: November 13 5:30 Lake Washington Rowing Club 910 N. Northlake Way Seattle. Norm Strong of Miller/Hull and a panel of experts will discuss the latest in the application of BIM technology.

More information will follow on these events but if you would like to RSVP now for the BIM or lobbying events send an email to Sarah Teague. FLF events are open to early- and mid-career construction professionals at AGC member firms. Anyone who would like to be on the FLF mailing list can email Sarah and let her know.

Meanwhile the initial Steering Committee has successfully launched the FLF and has been working to develop an organizational structure and a succession plan. The Steering Committee will be seeking volunteers to serve on new subcommittees: Education Membership Finance Events and AGC Liaison. From these subcommittees a new FLF Steering Committee will be created in 2009.

The FLF Steering Committee adopted the following intent and structure document at its last meeting:

AGC of Washington Future Leadership Forum
Intent & Structure as Developed by FLF Steering Committee


Mission: Promote Industry innovation education and the exchange of ideas for the future of construction in our region.

Overview: FLF is a program to develop the professional and people skills of the up and coming leaders of Washingtons construction industry. The FLF is focused on providing events centered on education professional development and networking to enhance participants knowledge of the local marketplace the construction industry and their own potential as leaders.


  • To be an open forum to exchange ideas.
  • To be an entry vehicle into AGC to promote new member involvement.
  • To foster a strong network among peers. 
  • To create and promote industry innovation. 
  • To help members stay current on industry trends and best practices. 
  • To help strengthen AGC of Washington for the 21st Century.

Eligibility: The FLF is open to all early and mid-career construction industry professionals employed by an AGC member firm.


The Future Leadership Forum will be governed by a Steering Committee of AGC Members with a committee chair & AGC Staff. Each member of the Steering Committee will chair a subcommitte that helps support the goals of the FLF. The number of members in each subcommitte will be determined by the chair depending upon need. The subcomittees are listed below along with their roles and responsibilities.

Education Subommittee
Chair: Sean Woerman Lydig
Role: Serve as liaison with AGC Education Foundation. Improve educational offerings of the FLF. Ensure FLF educational events meet the needs of FLF participants.
Responsibilities: Interact with the Education Foundation to formulate programs and educational opportunities for FLF members AGC firms and the community in order to ensure that the AGC is a current and viable source of information and to further construction industry awareness.

  • Confirm contacts within companies to ensure that current educational foundation programs are reaching the most number of people within the AGC.
  • Create or re-formulate educational programs from ideas brought forth by FLF members as necessary.
  • Review existing programs offerings and communicate with FLF members and AGC companies


  • Create a ‘Certificate program for events attended and courses taken to validate the AGCs acknowledgement of activities undertaken and participated in by FLF group members.
  • In cooperation with the AGC Education Foundation participate in educational outreach program for students in High School / Jr. High Schools to provide an insight into how the construction industry can be seen as a viable career option as well as a leader in technology and innovation in the future. (i.e. Practical applications with emphasis on technology in the industry)

Membership Subcommittee
Chair: Brad Kilcup GLY

  • Promote membership in FLF.
  • Communicate FLF objectives mission and events to FLF members AGC member firms and potentially the construction industry at large.
  • Target new members from AGC member firms.


  • Recruitment and retention of early and mid career professionals at AGC member firms.
  • Marketing FLF to AGC member firms (first priority) and construction industry (secondary priority).
  • Maintenance and outreach to AGC FLF roster.
  • Outreach to other young professional organizations:
  • AGC YLF groups from around the country
  • Local NAIOP Developing Leaders
  • AIA Young Professionals
  • University CM program AGC organizations

AGC Liaison Subcommittee
Chair: Doug Watt Northwest Cascade
Role: The AGC/FLF Liaison Committee is responsible for keeping the FLF abreast of the ongoing activities and issues affecting the AGC. This committee will assist the Chair of the FLF in providing the AGC with information regarding the activities of the FLF.
Responsibilities: Provide FLF representation at AGC board meetings and committee meetings. Tentatively these committees will include Governmental Affairs Labor Relations Legal Affairs Property Public Works and State Facilities. Communicate news of AGC activities to FLF and vice versa via newsletters and other vehicles

Finance Subcommittee
Chair: Kurt Trester Absher
Role: Manage the budget of the FLF.

  • Communicate budget updates between AGC Staff and the Steering Committee to ensure the Forum stays within budget.
  • Increase available resources (funding sponsorships etc) 
  • Ensure FLF Members/Companies are current and in good standing. 
  • Work with AGC Staff when budget adjustments are to be made for FLF operations.

Events Subcommittee
Chair: TBD
Role: Develop educational social and networking opportunities.

  • Coordinate all FLF events with AGC Staff guest speakers & Steering Committee.
  • Ensure the booking of venues.
  • Work with venues to ensure needs of the FLF is met for the scheduled event. 
  • Schedule guest speakers.
  • Market events to FLF Membership.

The existing & original members of the Steering Committee will remain in place for another year until the first Monday of November 2009. In November 2008 Kurt Trester will turnover the chairmanship to a different Steering Committee member.

On the first Monday of November 2009 a new Steering Committee will be named. Members will serve one-year terms. New Steering Committee members will have served at least one year on a subcommittee. The chair of the Steering Committee will have served on the Steering Committee for a one-year term.