Future Workers Gather at CWU for Construction Week

The owners of Star Construction at Construction Week sponsored by AGC.
Working for companies like Constructed Creations and Green Development dozens of high school students from around the state learned construction and business skills during Construction Week at Central Washington University.
Through Construction Week student general contractors vie for the most competitive bid to build a new art center and learn how this rapidly growing industry offers some of the highest paid professions in our state. Explore the wide spectrum of career choices in construction. Construction Week is a component of Washington Business Week a week-long opportunity for high school students across the state to learn about teamwork leadership and setting real-life goals. The Association of Washington Business is the founding sponsor of Business Week and AGC of Washington sponsors Construction Week.
In thank-you letters to AGC several of the students shared their experiences during the July 20-26 Construction Week. Some excerpts:
I have played sports my whole life but never have I been a part of such great teamwork.
-Austin Erath Kennewick
I learned a whole lot about managing a company and how to get ready to build a project...Our speakers were totally awesome they made me look at things in a different perspective.
-Garrett Goodwin Richland