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Design-build, permit reform, practical design among bills signed by Governor

width=478As complements to the transportation revenue package the Legislature passed AGC-backed bills that improve permitting processes and authorize expanded use of design-build. On July 6 Governor Inslee signed the following bills into law. Click the links below for additional information.

In photo AGC Lobbyist Duke Schaub (second from R) attends transportation-reform bills signing ceremony with (from L) lobbyist Rick Wickman Sen. Barbara Bailey Governor’s Policy Advisor George Knutson Governor Jay Inslee and Rep. Judy Clibborn.

Design-build: 2ESSB 5997 authorizes and strongly encourages WSDOT to use design-build contracting for projects over $2M. Also it requires WSDOT to develop a construction-program business plan that among other things includes project-delivery methods for design and construction and makes recommendations on the development of a strong-owner strategy. AGC will name a member to sit on an advisory committee to assist in the development of the business plan. Click here for more info.

Expedited permitting for bridges: HB 1219 exempts the repair or replacement of structurally deficient bridges from SEPA within certain parameters. Click here for more information.

Practical design: ESHB 2012 encourages WSDOT to continue to apply practical design and places savings attributable to practical design in a new account to fund future projects and preservation. Click here for more information.

Permit reforms: 2ESSB 5994 requires cities towns and counties to issue permits to WSDOT for projects that cost less than $500M within 90 days of completion of the permit application to the greatest extent practicable. Also it directs WSDOT to coordinate a state-agency work group to evaluate the consolidation and coordination of review processes that apply to WSDOT projects under SEPA and NEPA. Click here for more information.

Mobility and congestion: 2ESB 5995 adds congestion relief and improved freight mobility to the definition of the existing transportation-system policy goal of mobility. Click here for more info.

Design errors and permit coordination: 2ESSB 5996 requires WSDOT to report design errors with a cost greater than $500000 and to report results of lean efforts. Also it directs WSDOT to streamline its permitting process by developing and maintaining positive relationships with permitting agencies and tribes and to continue using the multi-agency permit program which must provide early project coordination and expedited project review. Click here for more info.

For more information contact AGC’s Chief Lobbyist Jerry VanderWood 360.352.5000.