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DOE suggests changes to construction stormwater permit

The Construction Stormwater General Permit expires Dec. 31 2015. The Department of Ecology has begun the process of reissuing it and disseminating its list of suggested changes. 

Questions for AGC members:

1. Aside from DOE’s suggested changes (see below) are there aspects of the permit which you would like to see improved?  Now is the time to work for changes. Contact AGC Chief Lobbyist Jerry VanderWood (425.279.3755) if you have ideas.

2. Would you like to help affect the permit reissuance e.g. provide comments to DOE and/or attending a meeting with DOE? Let Jerry know.

Some of the changes being suggested by DOE are
(1) additional regulation of contaminated sites;
(2) an expanded the list of pH-modifying sources to include recycled concrete stockpiles; and
(3) the addition of “Element 13” BMPs to protect low impact development which is currently not part of the SWPPP requirements for the construction general permit.

AGC will share more information on DOE’s suggested changes as it becomes available. Meanwhile AGC members are encouraged to attend DOE’s “listening sessions” regarding the permit. More info and dates/times/locations can be found here.