Construction-Adventure campers explore the possibilities
Teaching construction skills to a bunch of tweens? The AGC Education Foundation successfully undertook that challenge through its new Construction Adventure Camp held July 14-18.
Eleven 4th-7th graders participated in the camp that included hands-on building jobsite tours safety presentations and more. “The camp was well-organized and loaded with activities that would help the kids learn about construction without really feeling that they were there to learn” said Ferguson Construction Safety Manager Kerry Soileau whose son Marc was a camper. “Some of the best parts were all of the hands-on activities and the jobsite visit. That jobsite visit spurred many discussions on the drive to camp and at home. The camp started a lot of conversations between Marc and me and allowed me to share my construction experiences and talk over potential opportunities for him.”
Top photo: Campers look out at the Rufus 2.0 jobsite with Sellen Construction project managers. Bottom photo: Campers show off their finished bird houses after they sanded the edges. Wood and building materials were provided by Gray Lumber.
On the first day the campers in addition to undertaking a scavenger hunt for building materials and taking an AGC Building tour led by Facilities Engineer Chuck Quick built something they would need for the rest of the week: wooden tool boxes. The next four days were packed with activities including a tour of Sellen’s Rufus 2.0 jobsite a talk by Terry Deeny (Deeny Construction) on the building of the Space Needle a cement/concrete tutorial by Don Grimes of CalPortland (retired) a safety presentation by AGC’s Andrew Ledbetter and the construction of bird houses garden stones and a coffee house. Sellen and Gray Lumber provided supplies for the projects.
This was the first Construction Adventure Camp created by Dan Morris Director of Education and Training for the Foundation. Will it become an annual event? If Stephanie Gebhardt CFO for MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions has her say it will. “My son Kellan had such a wonderful experience and continues to explore construction related projects at home” Gebhardt says. “If you plan to have another camp next year please keep Kellan in mind… he’s already talking about signing up!”
For more information about Construction Adventure Camp contact Dan Morris 206.284.4500.