ACT NOW: With the clock running down, full-court press on transportation package
With the clock running down in the 2014 state legislative session AGC and others are putting on a full-court press to secure passage of a comprehensive transportation package.
AGC members are strongly urged to contact their legislators – even if they already did so earlier this year – and urge them to reach a final agreement and pass a package. To do so click here to contact legislators via AGC’s easy-to-use voter voice system.
Yesterday business groups including Association of Washington Business (AWB) and Washington Asphalt Pavement Association (WAPA) as well as nine labor organizations joined AGC in sending a joint letter to the Legislature urging passage of a package before the session ends.
“Education and transportation funding are intertwined” the letter said in part. “Washington will not thrive economically nor will education funding reach its potential if we choose one over the other. We encourage policy makers to reach consensus and move forward on common sense decisions today. Let’s put concrete to work for kids. Failure to pass a transportation revenue package now will be a missed opportunity to create jobs promote economic development and generate higher state tax revenues for education funding.” Click here to read the full letter.
Meanwhile the leadership of the Senate’s Majority Coalition Caucus released a $12 billion comprehensive transportation funding package over the weekend. This move is significant for many reasons not the least of which is that it moves closer to a package passed by the House last year. Although there are still significant issues to be ironed out the latest Senate proposal provides more hope that a final compromise can be reached.
Click here for a summary of the Senate proposal’s revenues and expenditures. Click here for a Washington State Wire article on the policies and politics surrounding the proposed package.
For more information contact AGC’s Chief Lobbyist and General Counsel Van Collins 360.352.5000.