AGC Chapter Leaders Visit D.C., Members of Congress

Earlier this month (just as the government was shutting down not incidentally) AGC chapter leaders from around the country descended upon Washington D.C. for its annual National and Chapter Leadership Conference. This conference is designed to bring chapter leaders together to discuss best practices and meet with members of Congress to address AGCs top federal legislative issues including tax reform procurement laws and immigration.
AGC of Washington was represented by President Butch Brooks (Brooks Construction Management) First Vice President Joe Simmons (Joseph S. Simmons Construction) Second Vice President Gary Smith (Lease Crutcher Lewis) Secretary/Treasurer Mark Seaman (Abbott Construction) as well as AGC Executive Vice President David D’Hondt Chief Lobbyist and Legislative Counsel Van Collins and lobbying consultant Duke Schaub.
Overall AGC members visited with more than 100 members of Congress and their staff.
Photo from left: Collins Representative Derek Kilmer Simmons Brooks Seaman and Smith.