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Retro Celebrates Top Performers!

See AGC Retro Top Performers here! Congratulations twidth=300o them all!

In events held around the state AGC Retro members celebrated top refund performance and lower experience modification rates (EMRS’s) achieved through their shared commitment to safety and to accommodating injured workers with light duty.

“I am really pleased with our experience said Van Hardy Chairman of the AGC Retro Program. Our results continue to exceed our competition such that competing plans have increased their risk of premium penalty in order to compete with us. Our focus remains underwriting new and existing members requiring Safety Team® certification through jobsite and paperwork audits and a shared commitment that injured peopwidth=300le be kept on salary and accommodated with modified duty.” Hardy gave special recognition to staff “Lauren Gubbe and her team are unparalleled in their commitment to members in helping firms achieve their highest possible results.”

AGC President Butch Brooks attended the meetings and expressed sincere appreciation to the AGC Retro committee for their service – highlighting Van Hardy and Gary Bennett for 21 years of service in conjunction with thanking AGC staff for their efforts.

Lauren Gubbe Program Director gave special recognition to Thomas Willson President of Safety Educators Inc. for 20 years of service and thanked him for his help to the AGC and members over the years.

Special recognition awards were given to members for achieving milestones in cumulative refunds being top performers for refunds and earning the lowest experience modification rates (EMR’s) or maximum rate decreases of 2width=3005% or more for 2013 from 2012. See AGC Retro Top Performers here!

Photos from the top:

AGC Retro Committee Chair Van Hardy receives ceremonial check from L&Is Gary Van Cleef for AGC Retros combined three-year refunds of $34 million;

AGC Retro Committee members Len Zarelli (Merit Construction); Stephen Seger (Foushée & Associates); Mark Seaman (Abbott Construction); Gary Bennett Ferguson Construction; Van Hardy.

AGC Retro and Safety staff Randy Guzman Sherri Dowd Janet Hansen Dana Leavitt Lauren Gubbe Mandi Kime Kim McKay Brandy Jones Carl Singleton.