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Take Action for New Transportation Projects and Preservation

Please contact your Representatives -- even if you recently did so -- urging support for the transportation funding bill. Click Take Action below to easily send messages to legislators as the bill has moved out of the Transportation Committee (thanks to many of you who responded to the earlier call-to-action) and on to the Rules Committee. And share this info with your colleagues and employees!

This bill is vital to both highway and building contractors. Without additional transportation funding there will be no new significant transportation projects started; our current transportation system will deteriorate dangerously; and our economic expansion will be stunted.

The legislation pushes total construction spending to more than $6 billion over 12 years including nearly $1 billion for preservation and maintenance plus funding for the SR 167 and 509 extensions the North Spokane Corridor JBLM improvements I-82 Yakima-Union Gap and more. Plus it makes an important start on addressing our huge unmet need for greater investments in highway preservation to protect the investments weve already made.

The bill raises funds through a responsible phased-in ten cent increase in the gas tax and other sources. Again without new funding the state cannot undertake new projects and cannot adequately fund preservation and maintenance.

Take action here!