AGC of WA Wins National PR Award
Congratulations to AGC of Washington staff and members! From among AGC chapters AGC of Washington received the Best Individual Public Relations Campaign award from AGC of America during the recent national convention.
Heres the write-up of the campaign from AGC of America:
AGC of Washington for New Direction for Washington
In a bold effort to support infrastructure education and workforce development and government reform AGC of Washington heartily endorsed Republican Rob McKenna in the state’s 2012 gubernatorial election. The Chapter began a high profile campaign including advertisements social media outreach events and fundraising. While AGC of Washington met with both candidates in advance of the campaign it was clear that in spite of three decades of Democratic leadership in the state McKenna was committed to AGC’s key issues and was the candidate to endorse.
Ultimately through its political action committee (PAC) AGC of Washington contributed $150000 to the Republican Governor’s Association and hosted six fundraisers. AGC ran five advertisements in the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce and invited McKenna to speak at major Chapter events. In order to reach member firm employees AGC of Washington created a toolkit that included payroll stuffers and letter templates. Although McKenna did not win the Governor’s seat AGC raised its profile as a serious player within key political and industry circles highlighting construction issues and the importance of activism among its own membership.
Pictured with award presenters are (second from left) David DHondt AGC of Washington Executive Vice President; AGC of Washington President Butch Brooks (Brooks Construction Management); and First Vice President Joe Simmons (Joseph S. Simmons Construction Inc.).