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GCCM, DB, JOC Legislation Passes Senate Committee

Legislation to reauthorize and revise the State’s alternative public works contracting procedures has been passed out of the Senate Governmental Operations Committee with the support of AGC. The law authorizing the use of GCCM Design-Build (DB) and Job Order Contracting (JOC) on certain public projects is set to sunset at the end of June 2013. However Senate Bill 5349 reauthorizes the statute for eight more years while making a few tweaks.

The Capital Projects Advisory Review Board (CPARB) has been working on the legislation for months. Its Reauthorization Task Force gathered input and made recommendations on any changes. AGC-members Vince Campanella (Lydig Construction) and Dan Absher (Absher Construction) and AGC Legislative Counsel Van Collins are members of the task force. All of the changes included in SB 5349 were unanimously approved by CPARB. Changes include:

  • Allows certified public bodies to use GCCM on any size project without going to CPARB’s Project Review Committee (PRC) for approval and DB on no more than five projects between $2 million and $10 million during the certification period.
  • Changes the number of DB projects between $2 million and $10 million that the PRC may approve from 10 to 15 projects and requires the PRC to report annually to CPARB on these projects and recommendations for further use.
  • Increases the maximum total dollar amount that may be awarded through JOCs in counties with a population of more than 1 million to $6 million.

SB 5349 was unanimously passed out of the Senate Government Operations Committee and is now in the Senate Rules Committee. The House version HB 1466 is in the House Capital Budget Committee where a hearing has been held but no action taken yet.

There are attempts underway in the House to add amendments to the bill. AGC is opposing these efforts to secure a clean controversy-free bill that can achieve final passage.

For additional information contact AGC Legislative Counsel Van Collins 360-352-5000.