AGC Joins Unique Collaboration Focused on Seattle Legislative Races
As the 2012 legislative session ends the region’s leading business-focused organizations are uniting in unprecedented ways to support legislative candidates in Seattle-area districts who are focused economic growth and job creation.
This unifying effort signals a powerful and increased commitment to evaluating candidates based on support for strategies that ensure our region’s economic recovery.
Along with the Civic Alliance for a Sound Economy (CASE) participants include AGC of Washington; the Association of Washington Business; the Building Owners and Managers Association of Seattle King County; EnterpriseWashington; the Master Builders of King and Snohomish Counties; NAIOP the Commercial Real Estate Development Association—Washington State Chapter; the Northwest Grocery Association; SEATTLE KingCounty REALTORS; and the Washington Restaurant Association. Participants will share insights and aspirations regarding candidates in an effort to align around electable candidates with a more laser-like focus on job growth and economic development.
“This isn’t a ‘Republican-Democrat’ issue” said Jerry Dinndorf AGC Seattle District Manager. “It is whether or not Seattle area legislators understand the important role businesses play in our economy and are willing to stand up and be counted on issues which are important to their success. Both parties can field candidates that fit that bill and businesses should support those candidates who meet that description.”
“It’s time for elected leaders to focus on jobs and economic growth and for Seattle employers to lead that discussion. For too long we have not proactively engaged in state legislative races and it’s handcuffing our ability to compete regionally nationally and globally” said George Allen executive director of CASE. “Yet decisions in Olympia—about taxes about education about transportation--directly impact our ability to do business at the local level. If we want to see sustained progress in these areas we have to make our voice heard during elections.”
Specific criteria for evaluating candidates will include commitments to establishing a sustainable state budget; strategies for preserving and creating jobs; support for investments in education; and support for transportation improvements that create near-term construction jobs and long-term economic benefits.
For more information contact AGC Seattle District Manager Jerry Dinndorf at 206-284-0061.