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2012 Alliant Build America Award Winners


NGA Campus East

Fort Belvoir Virginia

Clark/Balfour Beatty A Joint Venture

Lead Architect: RTKL/Kling Stubbins

Lead Engineer: RTKL/Kling Stubbins

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Campus East is the largest project delivered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers since the Pentagon in 1943 and includes 2.2 million square feet of office space accommodating 8500 workers a technology center central utility plant parking garage and visitor center. In addition Clark Construction and Balfour Beatty conducted extensive infrastructure improvements including nine lane-miles of roadway several bridges and miles of utilities. Thanks to much collaboration the team reached completion more than six months ahead of schedule and built the project to achieve LEED Gold certification.



Empty Sky: New Jersey 9/11 Memorial

Jersey City New Jersey

Hall Construction Co. Inc.

Lead Architect: Frederick Schwartz NY NY

Lead Engineer: ARUP NY NY

The Empty Sky memorial in Liberty State Park was built to remember the 746 people lost on September 11 2001 who called New Jersey home. The memorial is directly across the Hudson River from the former location of the World Trade Center Towers and features two continuous twin walls of concrete and stainless steel that reflect the height and width of the Towers. The walls display the names of the New Jersey residents lost that day and are offset by 65 weeping cherry trees and 29 London Plains which required an underground network of storm drainage piping. The project was completed six days early despite two major snow storms and a blizzard.



Lila Cockrell Theatre Renovations

San Antonio Texas

Byrne Construction Services

Lead Architect: Marmon | Mok Architects

Lead Engineer: Jaster Quintanilla

The Lila Cockrell Theatre renovation presented many challenges most notably severe space restrictions that necessitated a “just-in-time” delivery policy for all materials. In order to meet budget and project time goals Byrne used several innovative construction techniques including creative access methods to work areas and design input for transforming existing spaces. In addition the team used Building Information Modeling to coordinate the installation of ductwork electrical conduit lighting plumbing and fire sprinklers saving months in project time. Despite several limitations the project was completed in just fifteen months.



St. John the Baptist Catholic Church – Additions and Renovations

Brusly Louisiana

Faulk and Meek General Contractors LLC

Lead Architect: Kevin Babb AIA Cockfield Jackson Architects

Lead Engineer: Jacque Lasseigne P.E. Wardlaw Lasseigne LLC

Originally constructed in 1907 the gothic-style St. John the Baptist Church in Brusly La. was in need of a historical restoration and renovation. The Faulk and Meek team carefully demolished and restored the Church to its original appearance building new sacristies a vestibule gathering areas choir loft stained glass a new bridal annex and a 90 foot tall steeple. Because the church was originally constructed without the modern techniques of today the project required constant collaboration with architects and structural engineers and careful scheduling. Despite several unanticipated construction challenges the project was completed two months ahead of schedule allowing the congregation to celebrate the Lenten season in the newly renovated Church.



LIVESTRONG Sporting Park

Kansas City Kansas

Turner Construction

Lead Architect: Populous

Lead Structural Engineer: Thornton Tomasetti

Home of the Sporting KC (Kansas City) Soccer Club the LIVESTRONG Sporting Park was designed around two key elements: architectural metal fins which represent the movement of the players on the field; and a roof canopy that covers every stadium seat and features clear polycarbonate sections to allow sunlight through for turf growth. The intense schedule – reduced from 22 to 16 months – required close collaboration with subcontractors and designers as well as the use of Building Information Modeling. Turner completed the project within budget cleaned the adjacent active downtown area daily and recycled nearly all construction waste. The 342000 square foot space was constructed in time for the Sporting KC to play in the new stadium during the 2011 season.



Suffolk University Modern Theatre Project

Boston Massachusetts

Suffolk Construction

Lead Architect: CBT Architects

Lead Engineer: Zade Associates LLC

The Suffolk University Modern Theatre is a Boston landmark located in a tight urban site. Before Suffolk Construction’s renovation the theater was in complete disrepair. While only the façade could be saved the team replaced the original theater with a new stage and auditorium. In addition they added ten stories of student residential space above the theater. Enhancing the façade and preserving the limestone exterior was one of the greatest challenges but Suffolk Construction used Total Laser Scanning and Building Information Modeling to dismantle and reassemble it piece by piece. The project was completed on time and under budget with no scheduling disruptions.



Pentagon Renovation Wedges 2 – 5

Arlington VA

Hensel Phelps Construction Co.

Lead Architect: Shalom Baranes Associates

Just three days after the 9/11 terrorist attack on the United States Hensel Phelps was awarded a project to renovate Pentagon Wedges two three four and five. After the attacks the team was confronted with an accelerated schedule new program requirements including stringent security upgrades and hardening of the exterior envelope and the added responsibility of supporting recovery efforts from the attack. The team’s renovation was completed nearly four years ahead of the original schedule and allowed 25000 Pentagon tenants to continue working with minimal disruption thanks to a Universal Space Plan developed by the Hensel Phelps design team.



Intercounty Connector (ICC) Project Contract A

Montgomery County Maryland

Granite Construction Inc. Corman Construction Inc. G. A. & F.C. Wagman Inc. Intercounty Constructors Joint Venture

Lead Engineer: Parsons/Jacobs

This project consisted of 7.2 miles of controlled access tri-lane divided highway featuring 18 steel or precast girder bridges and bridge widening highlighted by a 625 foot deck-over structure a “Signature” Arch Bridge and a “Gateway” Bridge. The project traversed protected wetlands and specimen forests and a wealth of socio-economic resources motivating Granite Construction to bring on an environmental team to monitor water quality thermal reductions to stormwater run-off reforestation air quality construction noise and spill prevention. Throughout the project the team held more than 100 community meetings and public outreach hearings to provide updates and special information for the approximately 10000 residents surrounding the corridor.



Harry Bridges Boulevard Buffer Project

Wilmington California

Griffith Company

Lead Architect: Sasaki Associates

Lead Engineer: Moffatt & Nichol

The goal of the Harry Bridges Boulevard Buffer project was to shield the community from the Port of Los Angeles operations while providing an open space for outdoor gatherings and performances. The project required renovating a brownfield site surrounded by industrial blight and transforming it into a recreational venue infused with green technology. A 16 foot tall 2650 foot long landform features a series of retaining walls that allow residents views of San Pedro Bay. The rest of the site includes large lawns pavilions open-space plazas and pedestrian bridges. While the project required Griffith Company to overcome many challenges including contamination abatement and permit issues the team worked more than 250000 hours without a single lost time incident.



LVP 148.02 Chalmette Loop Levee

St. Bernard Parish Louisiana

Cajun Constructors Inc.

Lead Engineer and Architect: USACE

The Lake Pontchartrain and Vicinity Hurricane Protection Project in St. Bernard La. was required after Hurricane devastated the area. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was charged with providing a protection system equal or superior in design to anything in the region by June 1 2011. The project involved construction of more than 43000 linear feet of floodwalls installation of six steel gates relocation of 12 utility crossings modifications to an existing pump station and demolition of a drainage structure. During construction Cajun Industries took special steps to make its goal of zero crane incidents a reality and implemented several advancements in pile driving to make the work more efficient. Despite a suspension and other delays lasting five months the Cajun Industries team met its deadline by compressing an 11 month schedule into approximately seven months.



John Day Lock & Dam Gate & Sheave Replacement

Columbia River Oregon

Advanced American Construction

The John Day Lock & Dam Gate is the tallest navigational lock gate in North America standing 113 feet tall and weighing 2.5 million pounds. Advanced American Construction was charged with replacing the original gate and two 18-foot diameter wire rope sheaves that raise and lower the gates as well as completely restoring the mechanical friction sheave drive system. All of the work was performed on a 14-week accelerated schedule which required an unprecedented shutdown of cargo lanes on the Columbia and Snake Rivers in Oregon. The project was funded by the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act and will allow for this top U.S. export gateway to safely transport goods for years to come.



North Shore Connector

Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

North Shore Constructors An Obayashi-Trumbull Joint Venture

Lead Engineer: DMJM Harris / AECOM

The North Shore Connector required construction of twin tube bored tunnels beneath the Allegheny River between the Gateway Subway Station to North Shore of Pittsburgh. Work included station shells for two underground stations launch and receiving pits for the tunnel boring machine utility work soil stabilization and replacement of sidewalks and streets. The North Shore Connector supports the revitalized downtown Pittsburgh and North Shore venues and allows for future development opportunities. In addition the team preserved a 780 square foot mural from the old downtown station removing it tile by tile for installation in the new station.



Route I-44 – Laclede Pulaski Counties

Lebanon and Saint Robert MO

Emery Sapp & Sons Inc.

Lead Engineer: Missouri Department of Transportation

Emery Sapp & Sons won this project from the Missouri Department of Transportation to place an 8 inch concrete overlay and replace the bridge superstructure on the heavily traveled I-44 between Lebanon and Saint Robert Missouri. The project included many time constraints but was completed with no lost time work hours and 37600 man hours compressed into a three month schedule. The team used an innovative bridge sliding procedure that had never been used in Missouri in order to accelerate bridge completion reducing the number of anticipated bridge closure days for both projects.



OR 241: Isthmus Slough East Approach Bridge #01132F – Accelerated Bridge Construction

Coos Bay OR

Hamilton Construction Company

Lead Engineer: Oregon Department of Transportation

During an aggressive 14-day closure Hamilton Construction replaced a failing wood superstructure on the east approach to the OR 241 Isthmus Slough Bridge – a key connector for commuters and commercial traffic in the Oregon coastal town of Coos Bay. The bridge was originally constructed in 1931 and had received a number of repairs and upgrades over the years. Because a full replacement was too costly and full closure was not an option Accelerated Bridge Construction provided the best value with the least negative impact to the community. In addition to superstructure replacement the project included work bridge construction precast slab erection and precast barriers and was delivered one day ahead of schedule.



Design/Build U.S. Consulate in Tijuana Mexico

Tijuana Mexico

Caddell Construction Co. Inc.

Lead Architect and Engineer: Integrus Architecture P.S.

One of the largest and business U.S. Consulates in the world processing more than 200000 VISA applications each year the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana Mexico was in urgent need of improved facilities to meet increasing demands. Caddell Construction designed and built a new ultra-modern diplomatic compound amid the worst crime wave in recent Mexican history. The team overcame several other challenges including no paved roads leading to the $74 million project and a four month delay in obtaining permanent power. Despite these setbacks the team adapted the schedule to project realities and completed it on time with no lost-time safety incidents.



Water Tunnels and Associated Works Croton Water Treatment Plant

Bronx New York

Schiavone-Picone Joint Venture

Lead Architect: AECOM/Hazen and Sawyer JV

Lead Civil Engineer: Parsons Brinckerhoff

While part the Croton Water Treatment Plant and tunnel project was originally designed and bid as drill and blast construction Schiavone-Picone proposed the use of a Tunnel Boring Machine to reduce risks and expedite the project. The team overcame the challenge of transporting 40 foot sections of 9 foot diameter steel pipe each weighing 27 tons almost a mile into the tunnel by developing a low profile carrier that rode on rails in the tunnel. This ambitious project will allow the tunnels to deliver raw water and carry up to 290 million gallons of treated water per day from the plant. The project was not only completed one month ahead of schedule but also under budget.


Merit Award Winners


Our Lady of the Lake University Main Building Redevelopment

San Antonio TX

Bartlett Cocke General Contractors LLC



Cosmopolitan Hotel & Restaurant Renovation

Historic Old Town Park San Diego CA

Soltek Pacific Construction Company



The Bertschi School Science Classroom Addition

Seattle WA

Skanska USA Building Inc.



Milstein Hall

Ithaca NY




Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

Bethesda MD

Clark Construction Group



Pacific Fleet Submarine Drive-in Magnetic Silencing Facility (MSF) Beckoning Pt. Pearl Harbor HI

Pearl Harbor HI

Watts-Healy Tibbitts A JV



Big Bear Bridge

Big Bear CA




Aurora Prairie Waters Peter D. Binney Water Purification Facility

Aurora CO

Western Summit Constructors Inc.