Certified Payroll Bill Dies but Issue Will Persist
The Senate Labor Commerce & Consumer Protection Committee recently heard SB 6416 which would mandate certified payrolls on all public works projects. AGC Legislative Counsel Van Collins testified in opposition to the proposal. (See TVW video clip below to view Collins testimony.)
While certified payrolls are in of themselves not entirely objectionable Collins pointed out that the bill would merely layer the requirement on top of the existing framework of Statement of Intents to Pay Prevailing Wages and Affidavits of Wages in what amounted to “a regulatory dog pile”.
“If we have certified payrolls then why is there a need for Intents and Affidavits? Collins asked.
The bill did not pass out of committee but it is expected to be the topic of interim conversations during which AGC will be presenting as series of prevailing wage streamlining and simplification proposals. If you have any comments or questions please contact Van Collins 360-352-5000.
SB 6416 was sponsored by Senators Chase Pridemore Conway Benton Kohl-Welles Kline Roach Kastama Keiser Shin.