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Prevailing Wage Safe Harbor Bill Progresses

AGC is supporting legislation SB 6480 that would provide a safe harbor to contractors that have obtained an actual determination from Labor & Industries. This bill would prevent an employee or others on their behalf from filing a wage claim against a contractor for the three years of back wages.

The measure which is sponsored by Sens. Curtis King Mark Schoesler and Janéa Holmquist Newbry was recently passed out of the Senate Labor Commerce and Consumer Protection Committee.

Rick Philipovich Director of Operations for BNBuilders joined AGC General Counsel Van Collins in testifying in favor of the bill at a hearing of the Senate Committee. Click the TVW video link to watch Collins and Philipovichs testimony.

The intent is to reach a sweet spot and provide protection for contractors that have done the right thing said Collins. When a contractor has a history of paying a wage and filing affidavits the contractor should be protected from wage complaints which can drive contractors out of business. A subcontractor may file an intent that was certified by L&I pay wages pursuant to the intent and well after completion of the work a complaint may be filed by an employee alleging an incorrect rate of wage. If the subcontractor is out of business the general contractor may be left holding the bag. The general contractors should be protected when they file the right paperwork and do all the right things.