Lease Crutcher Lewis: Quarter Million Dollars for Charity
This year Lease Crutcher Lewis has donated more than $125000 to local charities in Seattle and Portland in honor of the company’s 125th Anniversary. Recently CEO Bill Lewis doubled that gift with his own $125000 donation to Washington STEM.
“The idea for this 125th Anniversary Philanthropy Campaign came from a group of employees who wanted to give back to the community instead of spending money on a party” said Lewis. The campaign offered clients and community partners the opportunity to designate the charity of their choice for Lewis donations in their names. Charities that will receive the money include YMCA of Greater Seattle The Seattle Parks Foundation Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center among others.
The campaign also included an incentive for employees - an additional 25 percent match to their contributions for 2011. (Lewis matches employee contributions at 100 percent up to $500.) A record percentage of employees took advantage of the match earmarking contributions for a variety of charities. One employee passed along a note received as a result of a donation for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk: “It’s always very much appreciated to get donations especially during these tough times but 125% matching donation is unheard of! Thank you and THANK Lease Crutcher Lewis for being so generous – What a great company!”
Clients also expressed appreciation. “Thank you for including us in your 125 years contribution program. An outstanding idea and very thoughtful” wrote Chris Martin President of CleanScapes. “This is a spectacular way to celebrate a significant milestone!” commented Jim Hendricks President of Seattle Children’s Research Institute. Some clients were so inspired by the Lewis donations that they sent their own donations to the charities of their choice.
In addition Bill Lewis is giving $125000 to Washington STEM a statewide education organization focused on spurring innovation in effective science technology engineering and math (STEM) teaching and learning. He serves on the board of directors of Washington STEM and recognizes their important mission of focusing on math and science education for our future leaders. “A robust STEM education is a passport to opportunity for all young people” said Julia Novy-Hildesley CEO of Washington STEM.
“The company’s tradition of giving back to the community began 125 years ago with founder N.T. Lease who believed so strongly in supporting his community that he became mayor of Great Falls Montana” said Lewis. “The Northwest region has been good for us and we are proud to continue the company culture of giving back to the communities where we do business.”
Photo: Bill Lewis presents ceremonial check to Julia Novy-Hildesley CEO of Washington STEM.