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Lewis, Northwest Construction Among Retro Honorees

Members in the AGC Retro plan celebrate 20 years of success and cumulative refunds of $131 million! 

“Once again AGC is a top performer as a result of your continued commitment to improving safety light duty accommodation for injured workers our plan’s underwriting and staff assistance on your behalf Retro Chairman Van Hardy told members at the annual Retro breakfast in Seattle. Hardy reviewed the impressive results while providing an overview of the new changes to the system by the Department.width=300

In the photo at right Hardy receives a ceremonial refund check of $25440367 from Gary Van Cleef of the Department of Labor and Industries (at left).

AGC paid special recognition for 20 years of service to Hardy Honorary AGC member (retired CFO and VP of GLY Construction) who also served for six years as AGC’s Treasurer and still serves on the Carpenters Trust; Philo Hall CFO of Lease Crutcher Lewis (also former AGC Treasurer) who just completed service by appointment of the L&I Director on the Retro Proviso; and Gary Bennett VP of Finance for Ferguson Construction.  

Lauren Gubbe Director of the AGC Retro plan praised the three as the “Founding Fathers of Retro” as she thanked them for their 20 years of service advocacy and support of Retro plan members and staff. 

Other committee members receiving recognition and thanks for their continued service were Stephen Seger Safety and Health Manager for Foushée and Associates Co. Inc.; Len Zarelli President of Merit Company; and current AGC Treasurer Mark Seaman CFO for Abbott Construction .  

Companies received special recognition not only for refund performance but also for their efforts in preventing and reducing injuries as reflected in the lower experience modification rates (EMR’s) and most improved EMR’s.  Gubbe noted that 22 companies lowered their rates by 25% or more.

Special recognition was achieved by Lease Crutcher Lewis who has participated since the beginning of the plan achieving refunds for 20 straight years whewidth=300re their premiums have been greater than their losses in all years! 

In photo at right Philo Hall Steven Brennan and Rachel Rodrick of Lease Crutcher Lewis accept their award from Jim Newhall of AGC Group Retro (second from right).

One other milestone award was given to Northwest Construction Inc. for hitting the million dollar mark in terms of cumulative premium refunds since their participation began. They join fellow Million Dollar Club members:  Acme Concrete Paving Ceco Concrete Construction Garco Construction GLY Construction Haskell Corporation KLB Construction Inc. Lease Crutcher Lewis Max J. Kuney Company Northwest Cascade Inc. and PCL Construction Services Inc.

For the complete list of companies on AGC Group Retro’s Top Refund and EMR Performers click here.

For more information about AGC Group Retro click here.