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Private Funding of Wastewater Infrastructure Would Spur Development

In order to spur private development within urban growth areas set by the state’s Growth Management Act AGC is supporting legislation that allows private entities to fund wastewater infrastructure.

Craig Goodwin General Manager for Northwest Cascade Inc. joined AGC’s Director of Government Affairs Rick Slunaker in testifying in support of Substitute Senate Bill 5034 before the Senate Economic Development Committee.

Goodwin and Slunaker noted that development within defined urban growth entities is often stymied by the lack of capacity of local jurisdictions to fund the wastewater infrastructure. “In these cases either no development occurs at all or it proceeds with on-site septic and you can’t have clustered development because the lots have to be too big” said Goodwin. “This bill is a smart growth vehicle.”

Slunaker added “If you are going to have an effective Growth Management Act you need effective infrastructure. And if that can’t be paid for with public funds a viable alternative is needed. This is not a new idea as it’s allowed in many other states.”

SSB 5034 is sponsored by Sen. Derek Kilmer (D-26) who spoke about it with AGC members attending AGC Lobby Day in Olympia on Feb. 9.

The bill has been passed out of the Economic Development Committee. AGC thanks the committee members who supported it and encourages members of the Senate Environment Water and Energy Committee – where the bill goes next – to support it as well.

To view the testimony of Goodwin and Slunaker click below (from TVW).