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AGC Opposes DOE's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Plan

The Department Ecology issued a letter indicating it plans to move forward with its draft SEPA guidance to address greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). AGC and other business groups expressed significant concerns that Ecology’s approach will create endless litigation opportunities for project opponents and will stifle economic development and commercial and residential construction job creation at a time when we can least afford it.

Among other things the business coalition noted that since climate change is a global issue. Accordingly to avoid piecemeal duplicative and costly regulations that can harm Washington’s competitiveness the coalition supports a single national program developed by Congress for addressing climate change and reducing GHG emissions.

AGC is opposed to using SEPA as a tool to address GHG emissions at the state and local levels of government. SEPA is the wrong tool at the wrong level of government to address GHG reductions. AGC further believes the Guidance is misguided and unlawful because it is inconsistent with the SEPA statute and rules.

AGC will continue to oppose this plan. AGC members with questions or comments can contact Van Collins AGC’s Legislative Counsel 360-352-5000.