New EPA Rules Regarding Lead in Renovation
Common renovation activities like sanding cutting and demolition can create hazardous lead dust and chips by disturbing lead-based paint which can be harmful to adults and children.
To protect against this risk on April 22 2008 EPA issued a rule requiring the use of lead-safe practices and other actions aimed at preventing lead poisoning. Under the rule beginning in April 2010 contractors performing renovation repair and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in homes child care facilities and schools built before 1978 must be certified and must follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination.
Until that time EPA recommends that anyone performing renovation repair and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in pre-1978 homes child care facilities and schools follow lead-safe work practices. (Contain Work Area Minimize Dust & Clean up Thoroughly)
After April 22 2010 in order to perform renovation repair or painting projects in facilities built prior to 1978 a contractor will need to be certified through EPA and have their employees trained by a Certified Trainer. Links below will guide you through those processes and a list has been provided below of Certified Trainers in Washington State. For more information or assistance please contact the AGC Safety Department at 206-284-0061 or Mandi Kime at or Randy Guzman at
EPA Lead Resource Center:
EPA Lead Renovator/ Trainer resource center:
EPA Small entity compliance guide:
EPA Contractor Guide Pamphlet:
Link to training providers:
Certified Washington Training Providers:
• Argus Pacific Inc.
1900 West Nickerson Street Suite 315
Seattle WA 98119
Phone: 206-285-3373
Training in Washington
• Building Performance Center
1322 North State Street
Bellingham WA 98225
Phone: 360-733-6559
Training in Washington
• The Empirical Company
7320 West Hood Place Suite 101
Kennewick WA 99336
Phone: 509-735-1848
Training nationwide
• RGA Environmental Inc.
1730 Minor Ave. Suite 900
Seattle WA 98101
Phone: 206-281-8858
Training nationwide