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Mar 17, 2020 07:00 AM


Seattle District Membership Breakfast - March (CANCELED)

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Building codes are changing!   

Code changes and updates are something we all encounter from time to time. In Seattle, there are some significant code changes going into effect this summer. Contractors need to be aware and understand these code changes and how they might affect future projects.

Representatives from DCI Engineers and McKinstry will be highlighting some of these pending code changes as they relate to structural, geotechnical and energy sectors of our building projects.
Join us for this informative breakfast!

7:00 a.m: Doors open; coffee and networking
7:30 a.m: Breakfast and program
9:00 a.m: Adjourn 

A reminder that our breakfast-meeting series has returned to the Emerald Banquet Room (second floor) at the Seattle AGC building -- and we are happy to validate your parking pass from our building lot.

We hope to see you there!

1200 Westlake Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98109 (second-floor Emerald Banquet Room)

AGC of Washington Event Cancellation Policy

All transfers or cancellations must be received 3 business days prior to the event start date to avoid forfeiting 100% of the event fee. To clarify, if the event is on Tuesday, you must cancel the Wednesday of the preceding week by 5pm.